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NebulaWeb is an official flagship of Nebula Services and Nebula Developer Labs. NebulaWeb is a stunning, sleek, and functional web-proxy with support for thousands of popular sites. With NebulaWeb, the sky is the limit.





Table of contents

Quick & Easy Deployment Options

Deploy to Heroku
Run on Replit
Remix on Glitch
Deploy to IBM Cloud
Deploy to Amplify Console
Run on Google Cloud
Deploy on Railway
Deploy To Koyeb

Deployment Configuration Guide

(Example configuration with none-json notes)

  "verification": false, // disabled by default 
  "api_key":" Your sendgrid API key used to access your account from the API to send emails",
  "sendFromEmail":"The email that will send the one time password (MUST BE VERIFIED IN SENDGRID)",
  "type": "code", // DO NOT TOUCH
  "email": " The email you want to use for recieving OTP "

Email Verification OTP

What is this?

Email verification is a new and unique feature that we’ve implemented in the event that someone wants to keep their deployment of Nebula private and secure.

What does it do

When a user tries to access the website, before allowed access they will be asked for a One time password sent to an email set in the deployment configuration. Once verified, they will have 15 day access to the site.

Advanced Deployment

Initial configuration

credits to @ProgrammerIn-wonderland for writing this wonderful tutorial (which can also be found in the docs :)

Server configuration

Make sure your firewall is configured to let through port 80 traffic!
Note: Server will need to run cd Nebula && sudo nohup PORT=80 node . & on reboot

File Structure

| File | Purpose | | |———————————-|———————————————————————————————————-|—| | static/index.html | The main frontend visuals for NebulaWEB. | | | static/unv.html | The verification-required frontend/visuals. | | | static/options/ | The frontend for Nebula’s options, settings, and preferences. | | | static/resources/v.js | Client verification system for the OTP system. | | | static/resources/nebulamain.js | All of the DOM/client code for NebulaWEB. Includes options, themeSystem, cloak, stealthengine, and more. | | | app.js | The backend server for Nebula. Contains Nodestatic, Bare, HTTP, and more. | |

Tech Stack


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Click here to see a demo of Nebula



(Nebula’s license is now GNU AGPL V3 as of v7.10) Copyright Nebula Services 2021 - Present
This project uses the AGLP GNU V3 license.