nothing is here
NebulaWeb is an official flagship of Nebula Services and Nebula Developer Labs. NebulaWeb is a stunning, sleek, and functional web-proxy with support for thousands of popular sites. With NebulaWeb, the sky is the limit.
cloaking)Table of contents
(Example configuration with none-json notes)
"verification": false, // disabled by default
"api_key":" Your sendgrid API key used to access your account from the API to send emails",
"sendFromEmail":"The email that will send the one time password (MUST BE VERIFIED IN SENDGRID)",
"type": "code", // DO NOT TOUCH
"email": " The email you want to use for recieving OTP "
Email verification is a new and unique feature that we’ve implemented in the event that someone wants to keep their deployment of Nebula private and secure.
When a user tries to access the website, before allowed access they will be asked for a One time password sent to an email set in the deployment configuration. Once verified, they will have 15 day access to the site.
to "verification":true,
such as:credits to @ProgrammerIn-wonderland for writing this wonderful tutorial (which can also be found in the docs :)
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - \ &&
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
git clone
cd Nebula
npm i
npm ci
sudo nohup PORT=80 node . &
Make sure your firewall is configured to let through port 80 traffic!
Note: Server will need to run cd Nebula && sudo nohup PORT=80 node . &
on reboot
| File | Purpose | |
| static/index.html
| The main frontend visuals for NebulaWEB. | |
| static/unv.html
| The verification-required frontend/visuals. | |
| static/options/
| The frontend for Nebula’s options, settings, and preferences. | |
| static/resources/v.js
| Client verification system for the OTP system. | |
| static/resources/nebulamain.js
| All of the DOM/client code for NebulaWEB. Includes options, themeSystem, cloak, stealthengine, and more. | |
| app.js
| The backend server for Nebula. Contains Nodestatic, Bare, HTTP, and more. | |
For support, email or join our discord:
Click here to see a demo of Nebula
(Nebula’s license is now GNU AGPL V3 as of v7.10)
Copyright Nebula Services 2021 - Present
This project uses the AGLP GNU V3 license.